Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Internet as a Big Sponsor

As for me, Internet was definitely the best invention of the past century. Just think about it. Nowadays we cannot imagine our life without web. Be it studying, working, shopping or talking to your friends, everything is connected to the internet. But this invention gave us much more than just convenience. It opened new doors for the flow of information, especially in the countries where freedom of speech is an unachievable good. Blogs, chat-rooms, and social network gave an opportunity for people to speak out and what is more important to stay incognito. In countries like Iran, Turkmenistan and China internet is the only platform for people to share truthful information and to initiate social changes in this way.
But freedom of speech is not the only issue that internet tries to solve. Funding also got more opportunities with the development of the web. William Booth in his article “His Fans Greenlight the Project – Robert Greenwald Tapped a new Funding Source: The Audience” ( mentions the story of Gim Gilliam, who raised funds for his movie on the internet. In the situation, when there were no sponsors for the project he was really interested in he turned to the web and…won. The story of Gim Gilliam is indeed not the only one in the past years, but one of many others. Internet became a great solution for those artists (be it movie makers, photographers or journalists) who don’t get a support from big sponsors and the only hope left for them is to ask people for donations. It’s unbelievable but it works and makes a perfect sense for me.
First of all, people are willing to pay money for someone they already know, like and what is more important trust. For example, when you buy New York Times you never know if you will satisfy your interest in one topic or another. You don’t know if the article written by some journalist will be enough funny or too funny, informative or based on rumors. But with internet and independent journalism you, as a “customer” of the product are able to choose your favorite journalist or writer and to follow his works constantly. That’s why when it comes to the point when either this journalist will write his or her article or not depends on YOU, it’s easier to donate money to someone you know and trust.
Second of all, the ability to donate money and get the project started makes people feel important and involved. Instead of observers readers become participants and it creates this significant feeling of importance and being a part of something huge and being a part of the community. It also unites people and makes them closer to each other. Because it is a great feeling to realize that you and thousands of people around you have the common interest and a willing to pay for satisfying your common need.
That’s why Internet is a powerful source. It gives an opportunity for starting artists or just someone, who has really good ideas but not supported by a big sponsor to make their projects going by simply asking people for money. And it is useful for both sides: creators and consumers. Because in this way people can choose the product they are really interested in and pay for it. In this way people interested in fishing or white bears in Alaska are actually able to unite and sponsor movies about their interests. And with the development of Internet, creators, who would never dream about getting $100,000 or even more are actually able to get those money from people interested in their projects.

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