Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Does Internet contol your life?

Yes, the time has come for Independent media to develop in different directions. I mean look at the Web world and the variety of different blogs, social networks and chat-rooms represented there. For drivers, models, Asians or gays – everyone can find something interesting for him or her. Sometimes it becomes even ridiculous and such websites like www.stumbleupon.com (the site for “adults and children abducted by aliens from space”) or www.shavemyyeti.com, where the only option is literally to “shave your yeti” become popular. But even the most ridiculous websites still reach their audience because that is mainly the point of the Internet. Think about it, the Internet is a whole new world of information for everyone, stupid and smart, fun and boring, religious and protestant. Those websites find their audience because even though they seem cheesy or don’t even make sense at all there is always someone, who finds him or herself in it.
One of those websites that I would never even think about to capture my attention is www.fmylife.com. You probably already heard about it or maybe even submitted your own FML story. For a past few months I heard the name of this websites every day: in my class, dorms or dining hall. People make stories from FML their statuses on Facebook and get hundreds of comments. FML became more than just a website to share the crazy stories from your life. It actually became the whole new social network for college and high-school students. People rate stories and fight for their favorite ones as if that was the most important thing in their life. In this way or the other, but FML became a huge success in the Web world and people all over the countries visit this website on an everyday basis. The website already has its own online store, where readers can purchase different FMyLife products.
The most exciting and interesting aspect in this huge success of FMyLife is the reasons that make people visit it every day. The website became almost a psychologist for many depressed and busy people who visit it in order to compare their life to the life of the others and feel better about their own problems. Many students during those few last weeks of school are feeling really overwhelmed with all the projects and amount of homework. They study till late night or even morning and during the breaks I can always see students going to FMyLife just to read all those terrible stories and feel better. They want to know that someone’s life sucks even more than theirs. That’s what makes us all feel better. That’s the success of FML.
Social networks are becoming our life. Not in theory, but literally. I know so many couples who broke up because of the pictures on the Facebook as well as many friends who were publically embarrassed when someone put provocative videos of them drinking and doing crazy things on the YouTube. Now FMyLife become a real psychologist for many people around the world. What is next? Those social networks already control many parts of our personal lives. We just never notice it. Internet becomes as powerful as it never was before. And who knows what is going to happen tomorrow…

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Where is the balance?

It is a well-known fact that journalists MUST be objective and the information in the news and reports has to be balanced. We often complain about broadcast media because it is bias and controlled by one of the Media Conglomerates. And it is definitely true. Be it Disney, General Electric or any other media giant all the media outlets it owns work for its name and interests. And the same situation with small media companies. Independent media at the same time is considered to be the opposite and to present equal flow of information on different issues all around the world. And yes, it is true as well. Blogs and social networks give people more opportunities to educate themselves and to find opinions of different sources and sides in the conflict. But bloggers also often present only one side of the story that relies to their own preferences or ideas. The only difference is that if you don’t agree with the blogger’s position you can always switch to one of millions other blogs in the Web or even find critics in the comments after the blog. You can easily go to the link provided by the blogger to make his or her blog objective, to tell the readers “My information is balanced. Look! I provided the link to my opponent’s blog. His information is a total lie (unlike mine, which is complete truth), but I am objective and I always present both sides of the story.” And that’s it.
Of course in many cases bloggers are indeed more truthful, but only if they are not dependent on any kind of private sponsors, who wouldn’t like this or that kind of information. In this case blog becomes the same media outlet as the broadcast media, with the same rules and censorship. That’s why it is so important for Independent media not to relay on any kind of sponsors, who might use the media outlet for their own interests. It is also important to open the information about your income to the public if you are an independent journalist. Because readers have a right to know who sponsors the blog in order to understand what idea it supports or who it is connected to. Today, online media outlets still haven’t figure out how to make the same profit online as they do with broadcast media. That’s why online journalists look for any kind of money to support their work. But if they will allow this “big sponsors” to enter Independent online media sphere it might become controlled and censored just like any other media in the country. In Ukraine we say “Orders the music the one that pays for it.” It is very important to realize that. Sponsors are the owners of the outlet de-facto and if they set up the rules in the Web there will be no chance to develop Independent media in the country.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why Is Internet Different?

Net Neutrality. Save the Internet. The Death of the Internet?
In past few years those questions have been everywhere around the Web. Journalists, bloggers and citizens are concerned about the Net neutrality and the equal access to every web-site. The issue became so discussed and significant for the society that even Mr. President mentioned it in his “Promises to Americans.” (You can read about it more on Timothy Karr’s blog http://www.huffingtonpost.com/timothy-karr/everyone-gets-a-bonus-fro_b_178286.html.) And it doesn’t seem so unrealistic anymore as it did even few years ago. After Verizon Wireless denied a request from an abortion rights group to use its mobile network for a text-messaging campaign and AT&T presented its idea about dividing the Internet on fast and slow, where big communication giants could pay for the faster one, the control over the Internet is more possible than ever before. And it is understandable and “natural’ in the country, where the whole broadcast media is totally controlled by few media conglomerates, who decide what to show, when and how. Imagine how powerless they feel about the Internet, where people can find any information they want mostly for free, with no special revenue for those Media Giants. Of course, those companies are trying to find the way to change the situation and seem fair at the same time. But it wouldn’t be so dangerous without the support of the Government. I mean, think about the United States. One of the most technologically developed countries in the world with a strong economy (even now if you compare to other countries)is only number fifteen in broadband infrastructure (http://www.epi.org/content.cfm/webfeatures_snapshots_20080423) and almost half of all citizens in the country still don’t have a 24/7 Internet access in their homes. Why is that happening? The answer is simple. Big Media Conglomerates don’t allow the Government to pass the law and provide the country with free Internet as a part of social needs (along with free education) because in this case they lose not only a lot of money, but what is even more significant an ability to control the flow of information. And if you could just imagine the amount of money and power those companies have you would understand that they will definitely prevent the free and equal Internet from happening. For example, WiMax – a wireless digital communications system that is able to provide Internet coverage for up to 30 miles (WiMax.com.) This new technology is widely spread in Europe and Japan because it costs less and gives an opportunity to more people access the Web. It is common in many developed countries…except the United States. The reason is obvious and it is Media Conglomerates. With the potential of WiMax that is going to be able to cover whole cities or even countries, Internet providers will lose the revenue from internet and will not be able to control anything inside the Web.
That’s why people started to defend Internet now, before it’s too late. More and more blogs and videos appear on internet about the Net Neutrality. A web-site called Save The Internet (savetheinternet.com) provides different kinds of information, including laws and political decisions on the issues related to the Net Neutrality. Donations and other kinds of participation are available on the site and more and more people join it every day. Because this problem is not about me or you. It is about us and everyone. We saw this happening to the Radio, TV and newspapers and we can’t ignore the fact that it is going to happen to the Internet as well. Everyday we can not only hear other voices from all over the world, but also be heard. There is nothing more important in journalism than an opportunity to be heard and to have an access to information. That’s why it is so important to defend the Net Neutrality, to show the Government that we are responsible and active citizens, who will not be silent anymore. The time of silence has ended. Now it’s time to act and defend our freedom. It’s time to defend the Internet or we might lose the last media sector that is still free of censorship and control.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Twitter organizes protest in Moldova

Moldova is a unique country in Europe. It is the only remaining communist country from all Post-Soviet Union countries and one of the poorest ones. On April, the 5th the Parliament Election took place in the country and the Communist Party won again with the result of nearly 50% of the vote. But this time citizens could not accept it anymore and massive protests started in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. The protests were planned by youth, who don’t want Communism to take place in the country anymore and want change for society.
But one of the main problems in Moldova is a huge gap between young and older population, who still believe in Communist Party and its leaders. Similar revolutions took place in many other countries in Eastern Europe, such as Ukraine and Serbia, Macedonia and Kosovo. All those countries suffer from the same “evil” – the “Post-Soviet” effect that doesn’t let countries to develop and join EU and remains corruption in those countries.
But what is interesting exciting, and unique about the Revolution in Moldova is a wide usage of social networking, such as facebook, LiveJournal and especially Twitter. As the whole media sector is controlled by the Communist Government, the only way people could communicate with each other and tell the truth about the election was Internet as a whole and particularly Mobile Web. Because Internet service as well as PC is still expensive and not accessible to everyone in Moldova, young generation uses Mobile Web to chat with each other and find the news. During the protest that took place right after the results of election were published, Twitter became the only source for youth to organize meetings and discuss the situation in the country. That allowed young population to gather about 15, ooo people, who “came out of nowhere” in central Chisinau. “"Using the Internet we managed to gather 15,000 people on the square in a few minutes. Not one party can boast of such abilities," Natalya Morar, one of the leaders of the committee, told reporters.” (http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iDcO_zE2vCYOyjSrPagB4xP2RoAg.)
Although right after the huge protest was organized on the main square of Moldova the Mobile service was shut down (for unknown reason, either political interruption or overloaded service) and people were not able to use Mobile Twitter anymore, they turned to other social networks, such as facebook and Blogs to keep each other posted on the news about protests. Some way or another, but social networking is becoming a powerful source for social changes especially in poor countries like Moldova. Many ask why this revolution happened in Moldova just now, after all the revolutions in other Post-Soviet countries. Well, maybe the reason is simple and its name is Social Network. I mean, if you think about it, citizens in Moldova, the only Communist country in Europe, have never had an opportunity to bypass mainstream Moldavian media outlets controlled by the government and to speak out. Now imagine how significant Social Network is in those countries and how priceless its influence is for social changes in those countries.
P.S. The only president that congratulated the Communist Party right after elections was Medvedev, current president of Russia. Obviously, Russia has its own interest in Moldova and its Communist Party as well as it had its own interest in Ukraine during the Orange revolution. It is understandable that Russian Government doesn’t want to lose the control under those countries in order not to lose the control in Eastern Europe as a whole. Russian newspapers and websites are full of ridiculous statements, like one from Russian web-site RIA-Novosti: “The protest rallies were clearly organized by the opposition, which provided buses for bringing the demonstrators to Chisinau and supplied them with stones to throw at their targets.” (http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20090408/120987903.html). No comments are needed.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

God Bless America! (personal opinion)

As an exchange student in the United States I always compare educational system here with one back home, in Ukraine. It is easy for me to see a significant difference in everything from professors to class assignments. And as a journalism major here and in my home University, I can particularly compare the way journalism and the freedom of speech are treated in America. You would say – “Oh, boring. What about U.S? Big corporations control the whole media sector and there is almost no freedom of speech at all.” But the majority of people don’t realize that an ability to say that and to criticize an existing system is already a freedom of speech.
When I decided to take journalism classes at Ithaca College, NY, I expected them to be more then propagandistic towards American broadcast. Because that’s exactly what we, Europeans, expect from Americans. They love their country and everything that’s connected to the U.S. But surprisingly, not even some, but all of my classes turned to be against the existing system in this country. It seemed that the goal of every class was to criticize the system as much as you can and as a result to turn to “blessed” independent media. Students in my classes were really disappointed to find out how big corporations control their minds and the whole flow of information. But for me the experience was different. I was amazed by the way journalism classes are held in the United States. Once one of my professors, Vadim Isakov, who turned to be from Turkmenistan, where freedom of speech is “unachievable good”, after about thirty minutes of pure criticism towards American broadcast TV, said “Guys, you are so lucky to have an opportunity to have this kind of discussion in your class. In my country we all would probably be already arrested.” And even though I can’t say the same about my country, I realized at that point how important it is just to have that kind of discussion without a fear to be “punished.”
And that is not the only advantage of studying journalism in the U.S. What about professors? I mean, how important it is to have professors teaching journalism, who are not just theoretical experts, but actual journalists themselves. For Americans it would probably sound funny, but for me having someone, who worked at the biggest channels in the country, who published his own book and met the most influential people in journalism sphere teaching me in my class is something that cannot be described.
In the journalism department here students also have opportunities to participate in the real newspaper, TV channel or magazine. They constantly have famous guest speakers from different parts of the country. I mean, just imagine such professionals as Amy Goodman and Glenn Greenwald coming to College town to give a speech and accept an award (http://theithacan.org/am/publish/news/200903_Izzy_award_recipient_Amy_Goodman_to_speak_in_Ithaca.shtml). For journalism students it is a priceless experience.
Yes, America is the land of opportunities. Opportunities to criticize and speak out. Opportunities to teach journalists critical thinking and action. Opportunities to love your country, but notice its system problems at the same time. It is difficult for Americans to realize how lucky they are to have open debates and discussions, to be able to criticize something that is not perfect. Maybe, it is not enough to proclaim the complete freedom of speech in the country. But it is definitely enough to have a basis to develop one.